Why Your Marketing and Sales Teams Aren’t Aligned
Sales enablement is the practice of aligning your sales and marketing efforts to generate leads and convert them to sales. While both departments have similar goals, they each take a different method to accomplish these goals. Companies that experience misalignment of the sales and marketing departments are often dysfunctional, struggling to convert leads and generate revenue. Below, we discuss how you can know when your marketing and sales departments aren’t aligned.
Each department has different objectives
Marketing departments are typically only focused on marketing qualified leads (MQLs), which is how marketers can measure their performance and success. Unfortunately, this isn’t fair to the sales team. The sales team is judged by its ability to convert leads into customers, which means they need a good set of leads to make that conversion.
Lack of communication between departments
When you are trying to align the marketing and sales departments, you need to establish constant communication between both parties. Each department has to have a deep understanding of the goals and strategies, allowing them to set their own expectations for what they need from each other. Any lack in communication will only foster dysfunction and division between the marketing and sales teams.
Lack of engaging content
Marketing teams are responsible for creating engaging content to support and nurture the customer relationship. Because of their responsibility in this relationship, marketers are uniquely positioned to create engaging marketing and sales content meant to educate and inform the audience. Your sales team is responsible for engaging with the customer one on one, but that doesn’t mean they are equipped to build collateral. Without engaging, well-crafted content, your organization is at risk of losing a sale.
About Farol
Farol is a results-driven marketing agency that is dedicated to supporting and elevating the marketing efforts of small to medium-sized businesses. With our consultative approach, we develop a marketing strategy that is specifically designed to help you achieve your business goals and objectives. Our goal is to help your business succeed. Contact Farol today to learn how we can help you.